
online conference poster for CogSci2020 Learning sequential patterns from graphical programs A fundamental question in cognitive science is how people infer structured, rule-like mental representations (Fodor, 1975). We are addressing this question by introducing an experimental paradigm called “Track-A-Mole”, in which participants predict the step-wise movements of a cartoon mole on a two-dimensional space. The movements of the mole are generated by underlying graphical programs. Figure 1: (PDF version) Graphical programs for sequential patterns The programs are built from a few meaningful building blocks, such as jump, which moves the mole along its current direction and turn, which changes its current direction.


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Computational Brain & Behavior, 2018

Cognition, 2018

CogSci Proceedings, 2018

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. Asking goal-oriented questions and learning from answers. CogSci Proceedings, 2019.


. Do people ask good questions?. Computational Brain & Behavior, 2018.

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. Successful structure learning from observational data. Cognition, 2018.

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. Topics and trends in cognitive science. CogSci Proceedings, 2018.

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. Grounding compositional hypothesis generation in specific instances. CogSci Proceedings, 2018.


. Modeling second-language learning from a psychological perspective. NAACL-HLT, 2018.

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. Asking and evaluating natural language questions. CogSci Proceedings, 2016.

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Hey Anselm, how do I pronounce your name?

Anselm: [‘an•selm] combine the sounds from Andy, self, and m

Rothe: [roʊt] which the same sound as in rote learning